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The Zero Astronaut

A spaceship with the first person on board, Lyudmila Alexeeva, finds itself in a dire situation. Orbiting in unmanned mode, the ship suddenly stops responding to signals from the Earth control center. Fear and uncertainty grip the cosmonaut, realizing that returning to Earth is becoming less likely. With no communication with Earth and all hopes dwindling, Lyudmila is forced to make a risky decision - to try to find a way back home on her own. However, just when hope seems lost, an unexpected distress signal is picked up by a ham radio operator on Earth. Now begins a race against time, where every minute could be crucial in saving Lyudmila and her ship. Will she be able to overcome all challenges and return to Earth?

Видео The Zero Astronaut автора AxionPictures
6 мая 2024 г. 17:27:41