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Fury Warrior User Interface World of Warcraft

Playing a fury warrior is quite simple if your user interface is set up properly and you have skills and macros keybound correctly. Please note I am not posting this video to show off DPS on the boss of Violet Hold. It is here just to view the user interface in a group setting. Also notice I did not overlay shitty self liked music such as "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" as almost every warcraft video on youtube contains. If you hear that song on any youtube video please give it 1 star. Every Keybind I Use is listed below: Strafe Left: Q Strafe Right: E Bloodthirst: R (also shield slam in defensive stance) Whirlwind: F (also revenge in defensive stance) Slam: D (also thunder clap in defensive stance) Cleave: Mouse wheel down Heroic strike: Mouse wheel up Blood fury + Death Wish: Mouse wheel in Intercept: Thumb Button (also switches to berserker stance) Heroic Fury: Shift + Thumb Button Equip Shield / Shield Wall + Shield Block: Thumb Wheel In Shattering throw + Battle Stance: 1 Sunder Armor: 2 Victory Rush: 3 (rarely used) Taunt / Defensive Stance / Shield: 4 Blood Rage: 5 Berserker Rage: C Retalliation: Shift + Thumb Wheel In Shield Bash / Pummel: Upper Thumb Button Piercing Howl: X D Stance/ Intervene Mouseover Target: Shift mouse wheel in Intimidating shout: Thumb Wheel Back Shield + Spell Reflect: Thumb Wheel Forward Heroic Throw: Shift Mouse Wheel Up Challenging Shout: Mouse Wheel Right Enraged Regen + Healthstone: ` (left of 1 key) Battle shout: Alt + ` (left of 1 key) D stance + Disarm: A Demoralizing Shout: Control wheel up Recklessness: Alt Wheel Up

Видео Fury Warrior User Interface World of Warcraft автора Онлайн-Игры: Классические Игры и Ностальгия
8 мая 2024 г. 2:15:32